Yordan Decentralized Coin

Online Management Problem and Solve

Online management problem

to Transaction on Exchanger and Swap

Safety transaction and most be fast liquidity but and sell on Justswap. Anybody

can be transaction and can checked on transaction tronscan.org

Problem and Solve

This program has a solution on how to achieve the vision and mission above, by

creating a decentralized token and then the results of the share of 60% will be

distributed to places that match the expectations of the donors. 10% Saving, 10%

Burning of the number of tokens scattered, 20% for developers. We will work hard

to immediately list this YDC Coin so that it can be transacted to more than 50

exchangers in the world, with the hope that many will be helped in this social

program. In this pandemic era, we have for more than 1 year which caused

several countries to experience major disasters both from an economic and social

standpoint, our hope is that during this pandemic, this program can ease our

friends to continue to struggle for life and still be able to develop further creativity.

For donors, please donate YDC (Yordan Decentralized Coin) as your media asset in

the sharing program, hopefully what you have given to friends in need can be

given additional fortune and convenience in all the efforts that are done.


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Yordan Decentralized Coin
SAFE SECURE AND EASY PROCESS Earn Profit by Investing Smartly and donation in Yordan Decentralized Coin.
Network Community (YDC)
A cryptoexchange is digital asset designed to work on Tron Network Community.
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